Instant Payment Connection - TIPS

In 2017, the SCTInst (SEPA Credit Transfer Instant) Rulebook of the European Payments Council (EPC) came into force. The aim is to be able to process SEPA-based, classic payment transactions in real time 24/7. To this end, the ECB announced in 2017 the development of the real-time settlement system “TIPS” or “Target Instant Payment Settlement” in order to be able to process SCTInst transactions.

A prerequisite for participating in TIPS is connection to the system via a highly secure line certified by the ECB.

PSA has already created such a high-quality connection to the TIPS system and offers banks access to the TIPS system as a “full service” solution.

The advantages of the certified TIPS connection for banks are:

  • Maximum use of existing operating and communication processes between PSA and the banks
  • Simple adaptation and expansion options thanks to an optimal mix of standard components and individual solutions
  • A central partner who takes care of all aspects of the TIPS connection

PSA guarantees experience in handling multi-partner ecosystems

  • Easy scalability of the solution
  • No new technical partners required for the connection


Since the start of 2021, PSA has been responsible for another pillar of Austrian payments. PSA is processing the clearing house transactions (account-to-account transfers as well as direct debit) for the banks and providing connections for payments to international accounts.

Summed up, the offered services:

  • Acting as an Austrian payments hub (retail payments)
  • Conducting in-system transactions in EUR (finality/cost savings)
  • Handling in line with standardised processes and messages
  • Processing payments in the SEPA area (EUR)
  • Ongoing coordination with organisations at EU level (EZB, TARGET2, EACHA, etc.)

Benefits for our customers

  • Expert input on the part of PSA
  • Support during the onboarding process
  • Hotline support
  • Ongoing system monitoring

Here you will also find the terms and conditions and the price sheet which become valid with deployment of the PSA CSM.

If you have any questions concerning our clearing service products, please contact our Sales & Account Management Department by emailing sales(at) or by calling +43 1 71718 - 310.

eps Payment

eps-Payment is the smart and secure online-payment-method of the Austrian banks for shopping on the WWW via your trusted online-banking.

The payment takes place in the highly secure and trusted online-banking of your eps bank, thus providing the customers with the simple and yet secure payment method for shopping on the world wide web.

Today more than 1.000 web-shops offer eps and also government business can be done with it, because it is the official payment method for e-Government.

Here you can find more information about eps:

For more information for corporate customers, please visit

For more information for private customers, please visit:

ems direct debit

EMS direct debit gives various institutions the power to collect outstanding receivables from accounts, simply and securely.

For more information for private customers, please visit:

For more information for corporate customers, please visit:

Further information on payment transactions

For plenty more information and details on payment transactions, please visit

The last review of clearing services by the ZSA, which focused on governance and risk management, concluded on 12 January 2022. The review confirmed that no significant deficiencies posing a risk to system security were present. The majority of the recommendations made had been implemented by the second quarter of 2022; these will be finalised with the launch of PSA CSM NEU in the course of 2023.